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:: Volume 10, Issue 40 (Vol. 10-Spring93 2014) ::
QEER 2014, 10(40): 1-20 Back to browse issues page
The comparison between residential demand for electricity in hot and cold provinces in country
Mahdiyeh Korooki *1 , Teymoor Mohammadi2
1- azad university , mahdiyeh.korooki@yahoo.com
2- azad university
Abstract:   (9554 Views)

Abstract: Due to the different climate in our country, different patterns of demand for electricity are discussed. Thus, in this research we estimate and compare this residential electricity demand function for both colder and warmer states with the national average In Warm regions 15 provinces and in cold regions 13 provinces have taken place . The criteria of these grouping was the average temperature of the total country in 1388. Province that the average temperature of them is higher than these average have taken place in Warm and the provinces that the average temperature is lower have taken place in cold provinces Duration of our study was the period between 1379-1388, and we have used the GMM method to estimate the model. This method is applied on an explicit function of energy demand in the utility function Our results show that the comparison between elasticity of residential demand for electricity power in the Warm region and the previous period of electricity power consumption , income, electricity prices, the average temperature in spring, summer, respectively are 0.76, 0.13, -0.19-,- 0.26, 0.47, -0.19, 0.08,and respectively in cold provinces are 0.64, 0.18, -0.32, -0.27, 0.29, -0.29, 0.03 JEL classification:Q41 ,C33 Key word: residential demand for electricity ,hot and cold provinces

Keywords: Key word: residential demand for electricity, hot and cold provinces
Full-Text [PDF 368 kb]   (2078 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Thesis(M.A.) | Subject: Energy Economic
Received: 2012/12/18 | Accepted: 2013/06/25 | Published: 2014/07/31 | ePublished: 2014/07/31
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korooki M, mohammadi T. The comparison between residential demand for electricity in hot and cold provinces in country. QEER 2014; 10 (40) :1-20
URL: http://iiesj.ir/article-1-57-en.html

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Volume 10, Issue 40 (Vol. 10-Spring93 2014) Back to browse issues page
فصلنامه مطالعات اقتصاد انرژی Quarterly Energy Economics Review
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