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Showing 2 results for Policy Making

Dr Seyed Jafar Hosseini, Dr Mahmoud Motevaseli,
Volume 11, Issue 46 (12-2015)

In Institutional thought, property rights are effective in the most inefficient allocation even after the creation of competitive prices. So, not only it can be treated as a given variable but outcomes of any collective action are completely associated with distribution of these rights among the different actors. Therefore, from the perspective of institutionlists, appropriate policy making in property rights is the basis of any institutional reforming in a collective action. However, this approach to property rights in oil industry, from the beginning of its formation, property rights is the pivot of its challenges, can lead to novel policy implications and recommendations, that because of the ignorance of institutional thought capacities has not be considered until now. As the results of this research are be showing, due to some of ongoing rules of the game, in one hand, ownership pattern of oil industry cannot be independent from the role of international oil and gas corporations. On the other hand, it cannot be ignored the role of state in any policy making for property rights in the oil industry of Iran. Nevertheless, like a lot of successful experience in the developed countries and by use of joint venture companies comprised of the partnerships of state oil companies and international oil & gas companies, we can reduce significantly the transaction costs in Iran's oil industry

Mr. Sasan Kazeminezhad, Dr. Mehdi Alvani, Dr. Mina Jamshidi,
Volume 15, Issue 62 (12-2019)

By studying the complex process of energy policy formulation for the oil and gas sector in Iran, we notice that these policies are not fully implemented due to inefficiency of the executive model. In this paper, we use the qualitative research of data theory, to analyze the situation through a combination of semi-structured interviews and study of available data.  We use a snowball (chain reference) sampling method to select our interviewees.  While we had selected 30 persons to be interviewed, as we saw repetitive responses beyond the 10th person we only interviewed 20 persons. Data collection has started in December 2016. The interview began with questions about "the reasons for not implementing the energy policies of the country in the field of oil and gas" (open question), and the rest of the questions were based on the responses of the interviewee. All interviews were taken into account and analyzed several times to extract key points. Finally, the model was designed using the categories and components derived from the interviews, and the results were compared with other models of policy implementation. The results of our study is derived from the use of this composite model

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فصلنامه مطالعات اقتصاد انرژی Quarterly Energy Economics Review
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