Renewable energy sources including Energies of wind, solar, water, biomass, geothermal, marine and other non-fossil energy play a very important role in energy security, social and economic development, access to energy, ensuring energy supply in the long term, they reduce climate change and reduce environmental and health effects. Todays, due to the importance of using renewable energy instead of fossil energy, many countries are seeking to replace their energy sources by passing laws and regulations and adopting incentive and support policies. In this paper, the researchers are using the library research method to study the comparative laws and regulations and examine the programs and policies encouraging the development of wind, solar, hydroelectricity and biomass energy in the European Union. China and the United States are as the main renewable electricity technologies common in each country. It deals with three countries and examines the legal requirements for the expansion and development of renewable energy in these countries. Keywords: renewable energy, supporting policies, developed countries, clean air, regulations JEL : K33, Q27,Q28,O31,Q42
Salimi V, Piri M. Renewable Energy and Supporting policies Clean Air in Europe, Iran and China. QEER 2023; 19 (77) :33-57 URL: