1- The University of Sistan & Baluchestan , samirasanchooli98@gmail.com 2- The University of Sistan & Baluchestan
Abstract: (117 Views)
This article investigates the relationship between transportation infrastructure, renewable energy sources and economic growth in Iran during the period of 1991-2021 using self-explanatory vector methods with distributive breaks and short-term and long-term Grangerian causality using the error correction model. . The results of this study show that renewable energy moderates the consumption of petroleum products in the long term for Iran by 0.48%. In addition, transportation, foreign direct investment and added value of industry increase the consumption of petroleum products in Iran by 0.66, 0.14 and 0.33%, respectively. Also, a strong short-term and long-term causality relationship is confirmed from the side of renewable energies to the transportation industry infrastructure, and a strong short-term and long-term causality relationship is also confirmed from the side of the transportation infrastructure to economic growth. The strong short-term and long-term causality relationship from renewable energy to economic growth is also confirmed.
Sanchooli S, Shahraki J. Investigating the relationship between transportation infrastructure, renewable energy sources and economic growth. QEER 2024; 20 (83) :183-212 URL: http://iiesj.ir/article-1-1621-en.html