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:: Volume 17, Issue 69 (Summer 1400 2021) ::
QEER 2021, 17(69): 95-126 Back to browse issues page
Quantiles of Household Energy Consumption Expenditure and Factors Effecting it (Micro Study Based on Household Budget Data for IRAN)
Hakimeh Norouzi Shirvanehdeh , Mohsen Mehrara *1 , Ali Reza Oryoie
1- , mmehrara@ut.ac.ir
Abstract:   (3082 Views)
The purpose of this research is to determine factors that determine behavior of different percentiles of household’s energy consumption expenditure through applying quantile regression to micro data of the Statistical Center of. Based on theoretical foundations and past studies, our model studies the effects of economic factors, demographic, appliance used in house and role of religious beliefs.
The results show that increasing family income from poor to rich category (base on the AEI) increases household energy consumption expenditure, with this effect more marked in the upper quantiles.  We also notice that increased share of food expenditure from the family is accompanied by increasing energy expenditure.
We also notice that as the age of household head and household welfare increases, energy consumption increases. This impact however declines as age and welfare increase, leading to a negative signal of age square variable. Awareness of issues related to energy leads to reduced energy consumption amongst lower quantiles headed by someone with university education.  Increased size of dwellings and higher number of family members increases consumption expenditure almost equally in different quantiles. Energy expenditure is not affected by additional level 2 facilities and equipment but level 3 equipment use has positive effect in lower quantiles. Religious beliefs and other demographic factors do not have any impact on energy consumption.
JEL Classification: C31, I29, J19, C81, Q41
Keywords: household energy consumption quantiles, quantile regression, equipment and appliance, values and religious beliefs
Keywords: household energy consumption quantiles, quantile regression, equipment and appliance, values and religious believes
Full-Text [PDF 1124 kb]   (1843 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Thesis(PhD.) | Subject: Energy Economic
Received: 2020/08/27 | Accepted: 2021/05/10 | Published: 2021/09/1 | ePublished: 2021/09/1
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Norouzi Shirvanehdeh H, Mehrara M, Oryoie A R. Quantiles of Household Energy Consumption Expenditure and Factors Effecting it (Micro Study Based on Household Budget Data for IRAN). QEER 2021; 17 (69) :95-126
URL: http://iiesj.ir/article-1-1330-en.html

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Volume 17, Issue 69 (Summer 1400 2021) Back to browse issues page
فصلنامه مطالعات اقتصاد انرژی Quarterly Energy Economics Review
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