1- University of Tehran, Faculty of Management , htmoghaddam@yahoo.com 2- University of Tehran, Faculty of Management 3- Science & Research Branch of Islamic Azad university
Abstract: (1892 Views)
Iran's new petroleum contract, dubbed as IPC, is a new generation of oil service contracts.The most significant flaw observed in various contracts is that cumulative profits and cumulative production do not necessarily follow the same direction, a kind of incompatibility arises between the interests of governments and contractors.In this research, using stochastic dynamic programming approach, the researcher introduces contractual components for IPCand PSCcontracts and includes them in the model structure.The results of this study indicate that reducing the cost recovery ceiling in the IPC contract leads to the maximum reduction in cumulative production. In addition, increasing the government's share of profit oil as well as reducing the cost recovery ceiling, has had the greatest impact on cumulative production in thePSCcontract.Innovation of this research is in the randomization of oil prices. Also modeling based on the parameters of Foroozan field is anotherinnovation of this article.
Talebian Moghaddam H, Shirkavand S, Dehghan R, Mohammadi S. Evaluating the Impact of Economic Components of IPC and PSC Contracts on Cumulative Production of Oil Fields: A Case Study of Foroozan Oil Field. QEER 2023; 19 (76) :29-56 URL: http://iiesj.ir/article-1-1520-en.html