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:: Volume 20, Issue 80 (Spring 2024) ::
QEER 2024, 20(80): 131-161 Back to browse issues page
Estimating the optimal route of oil production in one of the fields in the south of the country
Esmaeel Rajabi1 , Godratollah Emamverdi *2 , Ali asghar Esmaeelneya1 , Marjan Damankeshideh1
1- Economic College .Azad University
2- Economic College .Azad University , Ghemamverdi2@gmail.com
Abstract:   (1161 Views)
Optimum planning of oil resources according to technical limitations and forecasts and economic is recognized as a necessity to obtain maximum profit from the sale of crude oil and ensure national interests between generations of oil producing and exporting countries. In this study, using the particle swarm algorithm (PSO), the optimal production path in one of the fields in southern Iran has been estimated for forty years. Also, to simulate the maximum technical and physical conditions of the field, the concept of the maximum effective discharge rate (MER) and to apply the economic dynamics of the global oil market, three price scenarios and two discount rate scenarios have been used. The results of the study show that with the implementation of EOR programs and gas injection to Taghdis Saruk during the simulation period, the volume that can be extracted from the field will be more than 6 billion barrels of additional oil, and the cumulative production of the field will be about 2 times based on the proposed optimal production path. increase.     
Keywords: ", Oil production ", ", Optimal production path ", ", Evolutionary algorithm for particle swarm optimization ", ", Maintenance production ", ", South oil field"
Full-Text [PDF 1703 kb]   (201 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Energy Economic
Received: 2023/08/21 | Accepted: 2024/02/7 | Published: 2024/04/29 | ePublished: 2024/04/29
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Rajabi E, Emamverdi G, Esmaeelneya A A, Damankeshideh M. Estimating the optimal route of oil production in one of the fields in the south of the country. QEER 2024; 20 (80) :131-161
URL: http://iiesj.ir/article-1-1583-en.html

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Volume 20, Issue 80 (Spring 2024) Back to browse issues page
فصلنامه مطالعات اقتصاد انرژی Quarterly Energy Economics Review
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