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:: Volume 10, Issue 40 (Vol. 10-Spring93 2014) ::
QEER 2014, 10(40): 95-109 Back to browse issues page
Estimating Economic Value of Adjustment of the Tilt Angle of Solar Panels to the Optimum Angle Using Remote Sensing Data
آرش ابراهیمی *1
1- , hpaktinat@ut.ac.ir
Abstract:   (9018 Views)



Given dwindling fossil fuel resources and the rise of pollution caused by them, the use of solar cells is increasing day by day. One of the key points that affect the efficiency of solar panels is their placement angle. The aim of this study is to assess how use of remote sensing data can assist in optimizing the placement angle of solar panels relative to the level of the horizon. The study uses data available for  the three provinces of Kerman, Yazd and Ardebil respectively as representative of the South, Central and Northern regions of the country.  The results indicate that the optimal tilt angle of solar panels in Iran has always been less than the latitude of the location.  The optimum angle of tilt in the South is ((0.5 to 2.5)-latitude), while it is ((1.5 to 3) latitude)) in the central region and ((4 to 6)-latitude in the northern area. The results imply that if the tilt angle of solar panels in a photovoltaic power plant with an area of 5 square kilometers (With nearly 3 million Euro investments) is optimized there will be an annual saving of at least 11.250 million Rails.

JEL Classification: A10, A19, A30

Keyword: Tilt Angle, Photovoltaic, Economy, Optimization, Remote Sensing.

Normal 0 false false false false EN-US X-NONE AR-SA

Keywords: Tilt Angle, Photovoltaic, Economy, Optimization, Remote Sensing.
Full-Text [PDF 832 kb]   (2886 Downloads)    
Type of Study: paper | Subject: Oil-Market
Received: 2014/08/2 | Accepted: 2014/08/2 | Published: 2014/08/2 | ePublished: 2014/08/2
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ابراهیمی آ. Estimating Economic Value of Adjustment of the Tilt Angle of Solar Panels to the Optimum Angle Using Remote Sensing Data. QEER 2014; 10 (40) :95-109
URL: http://iiesj.ir/article-1-373-en.html

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Volume 10, Issue 40 (Vol. 10-Spring93 2014) Back to browse issues page
فصلنامه مطالعات اقتصاد انرژی Quarterly Energy Economics Review
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