1- Alameh Tabatabaei University , s_m_mohammadi2@yahoo.om 2- Alameh Tabatabaei University
Abstract: (6746 Views)
In this paper, we will discuss about the complexities of oil operation steps in the upstream section. Also, the specification of this section will be compared with both systems and complex products, considering the historical methods to compare oil agreements contracted before and after Iranian revolution and taking into account the three models of the technology transfer in various versions of buyback contracts. Historical contracts and their strategic path in transferring technology in buyback contracts were studied. Comparative studies showed that the process of technology transfer in oil Industry in Iran should be top-down macro planning in the supply chain as a model for the oil industry. Moreover, the argument clarifies that the new technology transfer model for Iranian oil contracts known as IPC, inspire of all the criticism, is still the best option available. It includes several advantages of technology transfer such as soft-technology spillovers, by rotatory management and transfer of tacit knowledge, and creating integrity in oil systems & products as CoPs (complex product & systems), by attracting foreign investment in technology unit with 50% sharing. Therefore, the implementation of this type of the contract would safely proceed the path of technology transfer and will help the oil and gas industry in their long-term goals’ achievement. JEL Classification: O38, O32. O33, Q48
Mohammadi M, garshasbi nia N. The Analysis of Technology Transfer for Iranian oil Contracts; the case study Analysis of New Iran Petroleum Contracts (IPC) Models
. QEER 2017; 13 (54) :135-172 URL: http://iiesj.ir/article-1-788-en.html