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:: Volume 13, Issue 55 (Winter 1396 2018) ::
QEER 2018, 13(55): 161-193 Back to browse issues page
Attribution Analysis in Divisia real energy intensity index (Application model:Iranian manufacturing industry)
Rahim Soltanian *1 , Alimorad Sharifi2 , Hamed Huri Jafari3
1- Isfahan university , ecsoltani@gmail.com
2- Isfahan university
3- Iran Fuel Conservation Company
Abstract:   (5142 Views)

In this paper have been introduced an approach which refer to as the attribution analysis of index to the IDA and energy studies. This approach extends the methodology of IDA by quantifying the contribution of each individual attributes to the overall percent change of factors, such as the real energy intensity. As has been shown in this study, the method can be used as a tool to assess and monitoring changes of industrial energy efficiency in greater depth compared to what has been reported in the literature. It can similarly apply the technique to analyze the structural change index in a symmetrical way.

In this study have been applied the proposed method to the real energy intensity index in the multiplicative Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index ­(M-LMDI)­ approach,a major IDA technique. Since the M-LMDI is based on geometric mean type indices and chain computation,we need some appropriate method to cope with the difficulties that arise.

This study is based on a standard model of two factors such that the aggregate energy intensity index is the product of the real energy intensity index and the structural change index. The proposed attribution analysis, however, is not restricted to the number of factors. It can be similarly employed in other IDA studies, such as energy-related carbon dioxide emissions where the number of factors is often more than two. This approach can be defined as long as these factors are expressed in either geometric mean or arithmetic mean indices.

This study present a numerical illustration of the proposed method using the energy consumption and real value added data of the Iranian manufacturing industry.

Keywords: Energy Decomposition Analysis, Energy Intensity, Structural Effect, Pure Intensity Effect, Divisia Index, Attribution Analysis
Full-Text [PDF 594 kb]   (3828 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Energy Economic
Received: 2017/05/10 | Accepted: 2017/07/2 | Published: 2018/03/19 | ePublished: 2018/03/19
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soltanian R, Sharifi A, Huri Jafari H. Attribution Analysis in Divisia real energy intensity index (Application model:Iranian manufacturing industry). QEER 2018; 13 (55) :161-193
URL: http://iiesj.ir/article-1-858-en.html

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Volume 13, Issue 55 (Winter 1396 2018) Back to browse issues page
فصلنامه مطالعات اقتصاد انرژی Quarterly Energy Economics Review
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