1- , Ilam branch, Islamic Azad University. 2- Ilam University , m.seidi@ilam.ac.ir 3- Ilam University
Abstract: (6993 Views)
The share of natural gas in Iran's energy basket is curremtly more than 70 percent. The efficient use of gas is thus a key feature of a resilient economy. This research uses productivity and data envelopment analysis to assess the productivity of gas powered power generating plants for the period 2011-2015 and where possible compares them to the targets set in the fifth development plan of the country. We use Excel and GAMS software to perform the necessary computations. We identify factors that affect productivity and pinpoint areas where improvements are needed. In the end, we use the average of the most popular multi-attribute decision-making methods (MADM) to rank gas powered power generation plants. The Fajre_Jam power plant is the most efficient and the Bid_Boland power plant is the least efficient.
Kalantari N, Mohammadi Pour R, Seidi M, Shiri A, Azizkhani M. Performance Evaluation of Gas Powered Power Generating Plantsre in the Fifth Development Plan Through Productivity and Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). QEER 2018; 14 (57) :173-199 URL: http://iiesj.ir/article-1-923-en.html