Funding by energy services companies is an efficient, new way of financing energy efficiency projects. An Energy Services Company (ESCO) is a company that designs, implements and finances energy efficiency improvement projects. Some of the services that these companies offer include developing, designing and financing energy efficiency projects, installing and maintaining energy efficiency projects and measuring and verifying the savings made from energy efficiency projects. The main difference between an Energy Services Company and consulting companies and equipment contractors is that the former will recover project implementation costs from project implementation revenues. Under these contracts, the Energy Services Company may, in addition to installing the equipment, maintain all or part of the new equipment during the life of the project and even 7 to 10 years after the completion of the project. This type of contract is the most attractive way to implement energy efficiency projects for companies with limited financial resources or unwilling to increase their financial obligations.
GhaemmaghmFarahani K. Analysis of Energy Service Contracts in the Framework of Foreign Investment. QEER 2019; 15 (61) :125-155 URL: