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:: Volume 14, Issue 58 (Autumn 1397 2018) ::
QEER 2018, 14(58): 117-138 Back to browse issues page
The Optimal Allocation of CO2 Emission Quotas between Iran and Emerging Economies
Azam Mohamadbagheri *1 , Mahmoud Hoshmand2 , MohamadbTaher Ahmadi Shadmehri2 , Mahindokht Kazemi
1- Ferdowsi Universiry of Mashhad , amohamadbagheri@gmail.com
2- Ferdowsi Universiry of Mashad
Abstract:   (3690 Views)
The Increasing share of greenhouse gas emissions in emerging economies and Iran will increase the need for their participation in greenhouse gas emissions reduction programs. The proper allocation of CO2 emission quotas could provide a solid foundation for future emission trading between countries. There are many approaches in allocating emission quotas. Based on the radial zero sum gains data envelopment (ZSG-DEA) allocation model, this paper uses a non-radial ZSGDEA model to allocate CO2 emissions between BRICS Countries and Iran. Unlike previous studies treating CO2 as an input variable, we treat CO2 as an undesirable output variable, which can be distributed between countries based on Pareto optimality conditions.  Our model results indicate that countries with higher efficiency would witness an increase in their emission allowances. The allocation of CO2 emission quotas according to (ZSG-DEA) allocation model, results in an optimal allocation of CO2 emissions in all countries.  Our model results will increase the pressure on China to reduce emissions, while Russia will have less responsibility for reducing emissions. We can thus conclude that optimal policy making should be based on a set of indicators of a country's economic development.
JEL Classification: Q52، Q53، Q56
Keywords: CO2 Emission- emission quotas allocation- data envelopment analysis- ZSG-DEA model
Keywords: CO2 Emission- emission quotas allocation- data envelopment analysis- ZSG-DEA model
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Type of Study: Thesis(PhD.) | Subject: گازهاي گلخانه اي-دي اكسيد كربن-سوخت هاي فسيلي
Received: 2018/06/17 | Published: 2018/12/15 | ePublished: 2018/12/15
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Mohamadbagheri A, Hoshmand M, Ahmadi Shadmehri M, Kazemi M. The Optimal Allocation of CO2 Emission Quotas between Iran and Emerging Economies. QEER 2018; 14 (58) :117-138
URL: http://iiesj.ir/article-1-1014-en.html

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Volume 14, Issue 58 (Autumn 1397 2018) Back to browse issues page
فصلنامه مطالعات اقتصاد انرژی Quarterly Energy Economics Review
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