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:: "optimal production policy" Introduction to A Theoretical Framework for Evaluating Petroleum Contracts from an Optimal Production Policy Point of View: Iran’s Buyback Contracts [Volume 12, Number 51]
:: AHP G19 Identifying and Prioritizing Strategies for Improving Financing Systems of Iran's Oil and Gas Industry [Volume 15, Number 62]
:: ARDL Approach The Relationship between Energy Consumption and Financial Development in Iran [Volume 9, Number 39]
:: ARDL bounding test investigation the dynamic relationship between energy and economic growth in different energy carriers and various economic sectors: Application of ARDL bounding test [Volume 12, Number 49]
:: ARDL distribution breaks Investigating the impact of renewable and non-renewable energy consumption on the human development index in Iran [Volume 19, Number 78]
:: Agency Costs Testing Theories of Corporate Governance and Corporate Finance in Tehran Stock Exchange; Case Study of Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Companies [Volume 14, Number 56]
:: Alhorst Methodology Total Electricity Demand Modeling: An Application of Spatial Panel Econometric Method [Volume 17, Number 68]
:: Allocative Efficiency. Model of Optimal Allocation of Financial Resources in Oil Capital Projects [Volume 19, Number 79]
:: Artificial Neural Network Improved Forecasting electricity demand using Taguchi experimental design [Volume 10, Number 41]
:: Asian countries. Measuring Total-factor energy efficiency and energy saving potential in Asian economies: application of Stochastic Frontier Analysis [Volume 12, Number 49]
:: Asymmetric Cointegration. Investigating the impact of real effective Dollar rate on OPEC oil prices: non-linear asymmetric cointegration approach [Volume 18, Number 73]
:: Asymmetric Effects. Asymmetric Effects of Crude Oil Prices on Demand for Oil in Selected OPEC Countries Using Price Decomposition and Dynamic Panel Methods [Volume 13, Number 52]
:: Asymmetric cointegration The survey relationship between oil prices and economic activities for eastern and south-eastern Asian countries: An asymmetric cointegration approach [Volume 10, Number 43]
:: Atisaz Complex Economic evaluation of strategies for energy consuming optimization with Fuzzy logic (The case study on Atisaz, Tehran) [Volume 11, Number 45]
:: Attribution Analysis Attribution Analysis in Divisia real energy intensity index (Application model:Iranian manufacturing industry) [Volume 13, Number 55]
:: Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model. Modeling and Analysis of Natural Gas Demand in Different Economic Sectors (An Autoregressive Distributed Lag Approach) [Volume 21, Number 84]
:: B23 Investigating the Effect of Oil Price Shocks on Stock and Gold Prices During Periods of Decline and Increase in Oil Prices [Volume 15, Number 63]
:: Bakstr-King Filter. Investigating the Impact of Oil Shocks on Employment in the Oil Exporting and Importing Countries [Volume 15, Number 61]
:: Bargaining Review of Iran and Iraq Strategies for Exploitation of Common Oil Fields [Volume 15, Number 60]
:: Binomial lattice Economic Appraisal of Solar Energy Projects under Uncertainty using a Fuzzy Real OptionApproach(Case Study: A 2MW Photovoltaic Plant in the South of Isfahan) [Volume 16, Number 65]
:: Boiteux –Ramsey Optimal Pricing Natural Gas in Iran Compared to Prices Resulting from Implementation of Iran,s Subsidies Removal Policy (Dynamic Panel Data and Boiteux–Ramsey Pricing Model Approaches) [Volume 12, Number 48]
:: Bootstrap The Role of productivity in the Impact of Non-Renewable Energy Consumption on Ecological Resilience [Volume 21, Number 84]
:: Bound Test. Investigating Whether the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) Can be Considered a Cartel: Application of Autoregressive Distributed Lag Bound Test and the Toda-Yamamoto Causality Test [Volume 16, Number 64]
:: C32 Measuring the Impact of Non-economic Exogenous Factors on Industrial Energy Demand in Iran [Volume 11, Number 45]
:: C32 Development and Comparison of Methods Based on Grey and Fractal Models for Predicting Natural Gas Prices [Volume 15, Number 62]
:: C33. The Effect of Technological Progress on the Emission of Carbon Dioxide Gas (A case study of some member countries of the Shanghai Treaty) [Volume 19, Number 77]
:: CO2 Emission- emission quotas allocation- data envelopment analysis- ZSG-DEA model The Optimal Allocation of CO2 Emission Quotas between Iran and Emerging Economies [Volume 14, Number 58]
:: CUP-FM estimator Effect of Economic Growht on Renewable Energy Consumption in the Developed Countries: A Panel Data and CUP-FM Estimation Apporach [Volume 11, Number 47]
:: Chemical Industries Transmission of World Oil Price Volatility to Chemical Industry’ Stock Price Index (A VAR-BEKK-GARCH Approach) [Volume 13, Number 54]
:: China Strategy in Gas Market Second Shale Gas Revolution in China: Investigating China Strategy in Gas Market [Volume 10, Number 43]
:: Colonial Competitive Algorithm Forecasting Crude Oil Prices and Determining the Optimal Production Level Using the Evolutionary Pattern of Neural Networks and Nash Equilibrium [Volume 14, Number 56]
:: Competetive market The implementation of locational marginal pricing in Kerman’s Electricity Transmission Network [Volume 10, Number 43]
:: Competitive Equilibrium Computing competitive equilibrium in Pay- as- Bid Auction [Volume 11, Number 47]
:: Compressed Air Energy Storage. Technical-Economic Analysis of Environmental Scenario of Hybrid Wind-Sun-Fossil Portfolio by Modification of Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) for Gas Turbines (Case Study: Khorasan Regional Electricity Co.) [Volume 12, Number 48]
:: Computable General Equilibrium Model Investigating the Welfare and Environmental Effects of Research and Development Subsidies and Energy Consumption Taxation to Reduce Air Pollution in Iran [Volume 15, Number 60]
:: Conditional Logit Anew Approach in Estimate of regional and non-regional visitors preference with Zayanderood Ecosystem Services: Choice Experiment – Conditional Logit [Volume 10, Number 42]
:: Conjectural Variations Structure – Performance Relationship in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC): Estimating the Degree of Implicit Collusion between OPEC members and OPEC’s Belief of non-OPEC [Volume 12, Number 48]
:: Consumer surplus Estimation of Welfare Costs of Power Outages in Iran's Economic Sectors [Volume 17, Number 71]
:: Consumption Efficiency Improving Gasoline Efficiency and Rebound Effects Resulting from Various Economic Activities [Volume 11, Number 44]
:: Contract financial system Comparative Investigation of Financial Systems of Service Contracts in Iran and Iraq Oil and Gas Industry With Respect to Valuing Hydrocarbon Reserves [Volume 17, Number 69]
:: Convenience Yield and Kalman Filter The investigation Long-term relationship between oil and natural gas spot price in formwork of stochastic differential equations [Volume 10, Number 42]
:: Cooperative game An assessment of Environmental Efficiency of Selected Countries Based on Envelopment Data Analysis and Game Theory Under Competitive Conditions [Volume 13, Number 53]
:: Copula Hedging strategies of Energy Commodities [Volume 16, Number 65]
:: Crude Oil Price A Copula-based Quantile Model for Crude oil Return-Volatility Dependence Modelling: Case of Iran Heavy Oil [Volume 17, Number 71]
:: Crude Oil Price Evaluation of the Effectiveness of OPEC News Announcements on Crude Oil Prices, Before and after 2003 [Volume 12, Number 50]
:: Crude oil prices A Dynamic Analysis of Market Efficiency on Benchmark Crude oil markets: Based on the Adaptive Market Hypothesis [Volume 16, Number 64]
:: Currency Reserves An Application of Value at Risk and Extreme Value Theory in the Risk Management of Iranian Oil Selling Revenues [Volume 10, Number 43]
:: Curvature Conditions Modeling Agricultural Sector Energy Demand in Iran: An Application of Normalized Quadratic Functional Form [Volume 19, Number 78]
:: D8 countries Assessing the Effects of Green Tax Policy on CO2 Emission with Emphasis on Renewable Energy Development (Case study of D8 Countries) [Volume 16, Number 67]
:: DCC-MGARCH Dynamic Relationships between Oil Prices, Gold Prices and Exchange Rates with Indicators of Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 14, Number 58]
:: Data Envelopment Analysis Decomposition of Changes in CO2 Emission in Iranian Provinces [Volume 15, Number 61]
:: Derived Demand Natural Gas Pricing for Power Plants [Volume 17, Number 70]
:: Developing Countries Financial Inclusion and Environmental Quality in Developing Countries with the Highest Level of Pollution: Synergy or Destruction [Volume 18, Number 74]
:: Down Market Investigation the Conditional Relationship between World Energy Market and Iran’s Stock Market [Volume 10, Number 41]
:: Dynamic Adjustment Mechanism. Analysis of Fuels Substitution in the Iranian Industerial Sector Using a Linear logit Model [Volume 9, Number 39]
:: Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium model. Modeling policy scenarios of energy intensity forecasting in mineral products after price liberalization of energy carriers [Volume 20, Number 82]
:: Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model. The Effect of Change in Electricity Tariffs on Electricity Consumption and Macroeconomic Variables With Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) Approach [Volume 18, Number 74]
:: Dynamic common correlated effects Investigating the effect of social capital on renewable energy consumption in selected Islamic countries [Volume 20, Number 80]
:: Dynamic panel data model Modeling and forecasting demand for petrochemical products of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company (PGPIC) [Volume 18, Number 75]
:: E44. Oil revenues and economic growth in crude oil-producing countries with emphasis on domestic financial markets [Volume 19, Number 77]
:: E52 Assessing the Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on Export of Selective Petrochemical Products (Urea, Polyethylene, Methanol and Propane) [Volume 15, Number 63]
:: EGARCH The Asymmetric Effects of Oil Price Shocks and Trade Openness Volatility on Inflation and Economic Growth in the Islamic Conference Organization Countries. [Volume 19, Number 78]
:: Economic Costs. Energy Production Strategy from Biomass [Volume 21, Number 84]
:: Economic Growth. Investigation the Relationship between Nuclear Energy, Renewable Energy and Environmental Improvement: In Selecting Countries Including Iran [Volume 13, Number 54]
:: Emissions of CO2 The Effect of Auto Tariff Protections on CO2 Emissions [Volume 15, Number 61]
:: Energy Analysis of Energy Service Contracts in the Framework of Foreign Investment [Volume 15, Number 61]
:: Energy Diplomacy Evaluating approved policies in the field of energy and presenting proposed policies to improve energy governance in Iran [Volume 20, Number 80]
:: Energy Intensity. Decomposition and Analysis of Driving Forces of GHG Emissions and Emission Reduction Potentials in Iran [Volume 15, Number 60]
:: Energy Policy and Pricing. Evaluation of Knowledge about Energy and its Environmental Issues, Using Fuzzy Logic (Kerman City) [Volume 10, Number 40]
:: Energy Security India's Energy Strategy by 2035 and Its Implications for I. R. of Iran [Volume 11, Number 45]
:: Energy-intensive industries Energy Intensity, Ownership Structure and Industrial Concentration in Iran's Manufacturing Industries [Volume 17, Number 69]
:: Entropy Using the hybrid Taguchi experimental design method – TOPSIS to identify the most suitable artificial neural networks used in energy forecasting [Volume 11, Number 45]
:: Environment Economic evaluation of producing electricity from wind turbines (A case study: On ibn Ali´s wind turbines) [Volume 12, Number 49]
:: Environmental Tax. The Double Dividend Hypothesis. The Overlapping Generation Model. The Survey of Conditions for Establishment of the Double Dividend Hypothesis: An Overlapping Generations Approach. [Volume 15, Number 60]
:: Environmental policy The review of substitution between energy and labor in industry sector of Iran (with emphasis on environmental policy) [Volume 13, Number 55]
:: Expectation of Crude Oil Price Effects of OPEC News Announcements on Oil Price Expectation, Modification on Dummy Variables [Volume 11, Number 44]
:: Expert Choice software The initial feasibility study to support the use of electricity using renewable energy in Iran and selection methods improve [Volume 10, Number 42]
:: Export Pricing of Iran's Natural Gas Exports to Europe: An Application of the Netback Pricing Method [Volume 17, Number 70]
:: F64. Investigating the effect of trade openness on air pollution in MENA countries with a spatial econometric approach [Volume 19, Number 77]
:: Financial-economic evaluation Pricing of Natural Gas Feed stock Based on Financial Assessment of Small-Scale LNG Plants in Iran [Volume 17, Number 71]
:: Fisher's discriminant function Financial crisis and exchange market pressure In energy exporting countries: Fisher's discriminant function approach [Volume 18, Number 74]
:: Flexible normalized quadratic (NQ) functional form The Estimation of Substitution Elasticity Between Non-renewable & Renewable Energy Sources [Volume 14, Number 56]
:: Fractional Brownian Motion Testing Weak form Efficiency Hypothesis in Oil Market: Case Study OPEC Basket, Brent, WTI [Volume 10, Number 43]
:: Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process(FAHP) Identifying and Prioritizing the effective Factors in Physical Asset Management for Oil and Gas Wells using Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process(FAHP) [Volume 20, Number 82]
:: Fuzzy Dematel Technique An Elaboration of the Dynamic Growth Pattern of Iran’s Share in Regional Natural Gas Trade through Factor Prioritization, Using Network Analysis [Volume 17, Number 68]
:: Fuzzy dynamic network data coverage analysis Measuring the Efficiency of Risk-Based Stock Returns Using Fuzzy Dynamic Network Data Coverage Analysis Method (Petrochemical Industry Case Study) [Volume 19, Number 79]
:: G15 Effect of financial markets on regional gas prices [Volume 20, Number 83]
:: G17 Natural Gas Price Forecasting using Kriging Interpolation Technique and Neldar-Mead Optimization Algorithm [Volume 15, Number 62]
:: GARCH An Assessment of the Impact of Oil Price Fluctuatiouns on the Value Added of Main Sectors of Iran’s Economy [Volume 12, Number 48]
:: GARCH model The Study of Price Volatility Spillover Effects in International Oil, Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Markets [Volume 12, Number 49]
:: GMM Exploring the Effect of Corruption on Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Developed and Developing Countries Using GMM [Volume 14, Number 59]
:: GMM. Income Inequality and the Oil Curse: The Case of Oil-Rich Developing Countries [Volume 17, Number 71]
:: GP Optimal Allocation of Natural Gas in IRAN to Support a Resilient Economy [Volume 14, Number 59]
:: Gas Pipeline Iran’s Gas Transit to Europe: A Game Theoretic Approch [Volume 10, Number 43]
:: Gas refinery. Comparing two Different Views to the Application of FMEA Method for Risk Assessment: A Case Study of Iran’s Gas Refinery [Volume 10, Number 42]
:: Gas sales and purchase Agreements A Model for Price Optimization in Iranian Gas Sales Agreements Based on Value of Volume Flexibility Analysis [Volume 17, Number 69]
:: General Equilibrium Model. Effects of Different Approaches to Use of Non-Renewable (Oil) Resource’s Revenues on Iran’s Economic Growth [Volume 16, Number 64]
:: Generalized method of moment (GMM)   Evaluating the Impact of World Oil Prices on the External Current Account in Iran [Volume 14, Number 56]
:: Global VAR Impacts of Oil Price Shocks on Macroeconomic Variables of Oil Exporting and Importing Countries: A Global VAR Approach [Volume 15, Number 63]
:: Global macroeconomic modeling The Effect of Falling Oil Prices on Major Oil Exporting Countries through Trade and Financial Channels: A GVAR Model [Volume 16, Number 66]
:: Goal Programming Selecting the location of CNG stations for the maximum coverage of customers [Volume 11, Number 44]
:: Governing Law Rules Governing International Oil sale Contracts and the Role of the Intenational Convention on Commodity Sales in these Contracts [Volume 13, Number 54]
:: Granger Causality. An Investigation of leading and price discovery in OPEC spot and West Texas Intermediate oil futures markets [Volume 12, Number 50]
:: ICSS Financial Crisis Effects on Oil Price (ICSS Algorithms and GARCH Approach) [Volume 10, Number 43]
:: IPC Change-over in upstream iranian petroleum contracts [Volume 20, Number 81]
:: Ilam Province. Assessment of the Pattern of Energy Consumption in Dryland Rape Production and its Environmental Effects In Ilam province [Volume 15, Number 62]
:: Implementing Model Designing a Model for Implementing Energy Policies in the Oil and Gas Sector [Volume 15, Number 62]
:: Industries and Energy Intensity Industries Factor Analysis of Energy Demand in Iran's Manufacturing Industries with Emphasis on Energy Intensive Sectors [Volume 18, Number 74]
:: Industry Comparing the cost of Cobb-Douglas function and the effect of targeted subsidies Divisia average index of energy intensity in Technology [Volume 13, Number 55]
:: Industry An Appraisal of Spatial club convergence of Iran’s province-level industrial energy efficiency [Volume 12, Number 51]
:: Input-Output Model Sensitivity Analysis of Technology Changes for EnergyDemand by Iranian Economic Sectors: an Application of Sherman-Morrisson Method and Input-Output Approach [Volume 16, Number 66]
:: Intensity Effect Analysis and decomposition of energy consumption and energy intensity in Iran’s industrial sectors [Volume 11, Number 45]
:: Inter-fuel Morishima Elasticity of Substitution. Estimation of Energy Demand Function on Iran's Most Energy Intensive Industries [Volume 10, Number 40]
:: Iran Analysis of oil price uncertainty on stock market uncertainty: GARCH-VAR model combination [Volume 19, Number 79]
:: Iran Analysis of the effect of intensity and energy price on economic well-being in Iran [Volume 19, Number 78]
:: Iran Energy Return on Investment (EROI) Analysis of Oil and Gas Activities in Iran Economy [Volume 13, Number 54]
:: Iran Shadow Price Specification of Natural Gas in Production Activities of the Iranian Economy [Volume 17, Number 68]
:: Iran Investigation of financial regimes and oil prices in Iran using structural VAR model [Volume 19, Number 78]
:: Iran Optimization of Location, Size and Operation of Various Combined Heat and Power Technologies in Heat and Electricity Distribution Networks [Volume 14, Number 57]
:: Iran Investigating the Use of Oil Revenues with the Assumption of Dutch Disease in Different Economic Sectors of Iran: a Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium (DCGE) Approach [Volume 16, Number 66]
:: Iran The Impact of Liberalizing Fuel Prices on Power Plants’ Offered Electricity Prices using an Agent Based Model [Volume 14, Number 56]
:: Iran Study of the impact of energy efficiency on carbon dioxide emissions in Iran [Volume 21, Number 84]
:: Iran Oil Contracts (IPC). Study of Time Factor in the Development of Joint Fields in the Form of Buy Back and IPC Contracts Study of Yadavaran Oil Industry [Volume 18, Number 74]
:: Iran. Economic Evaluation of Environmental Impacts of Changes in Electricity Production Pattern in Iran Using a CGE Model [Volume 15, Number 61]
:: Iran. Economic Regulation Design for the Electricity Distribution Companies of Iran [Volume 15, Number 60]
:: Iran. Energy Consumption in Economic Sectors and Environmental Pollution in Iran with Emphasis on Electricity and Non-Electricity [Volume 17, Number 68]
:: Iran. The Asymmetric Effects of Energy Consumption on Growth of Iran's Agricultural Sector Using Non-Linear Extended Lag Self-Regression (NARDL) [Volume 16, Number 67]
:: Iran. The Investigation of the Green Tax Effects on Employment in the Iran's Economy: A CGE Approach. [Volume 10, Number 43]
:: Iran. The Effect of Non-Renewable Energy, on Institutional Quality and Production in the Iranian Economy: An Application of the State-Space Model [Volume 13, Number 53]
:: Iran. The impact of uncertainty in economic policies on energy intensity in Iran [Volume 18, Number 72]
:: Iran. Decomposition of the Share of Factors Affecting Environmental Pollution in Iran Using the Shapley-Owen Value Approach [Volume 18, Number 73]
:: Iranian Crude Oil. Main theory Identifying Factors Affecting the Marketing and Sale of Iranian Crude Oil [Volume 17, Number 68]
:: Iranian Economy Oil, Institutions and Rent-seeking in Iranian Economy: A DSGE Approach [Volume 10, Number 41]
:: Iranian Petroleum. Investigating policies to improve the local content in the upstream sector of the petroleum industry and present policy considerations for Iran [Volume 14, Number 59]
:: Iranian economy Estimation and prediction time series of energy resources extraction for Iranian economy (1980-2031) [Volume 12, Number 51]
:: Iranian economy Testing Causality between Real Exchange Rate and Oil Price in Iran with Artificial Neural Network and Wavelet Methodes [Volume 11, Number 44]
:: Isfahan refinery Study of Oil Refining Company Competitiveness through Measure of Products Support Indices - The case Study of Isfahan Refinery [Volume 13, Number 53]
:: Johansen cointegration test Investigating the effect of oil price instability on Iran's economic growth [Volume 20, Number 83]
:: Kalman algorithm - filter Asymmetric effects of oil price changes on demand in OECD countries using a structural time series models. [Volume 11, Number 46]
:: Kalman filter The dynamics of substitution tensions between fossil energy carriers for gas consumption in Iran's transportation sector on the horizon of 2025 [Volume 18, Number 75]
:: Khorasan A Comparative study on optimization methods of expansion of electricity and gas networks in Khorasan [Volume 14, Number 59]
:: Khorasan Razavi province An Analysis of Environmental Effects of Energy Intensive Economic Activities in Khorasan Razavi Province: Using RAS Regional Input-Output Model [Volume 16, Number 66]
:: Kuznets curve‎ Inequality of income and consumption of renewable and non-renewable energy in the provinces of Iran [Volume 19, Number 78]
:: L95 An Assessment of Factors that Impact Government Oversight of Public-Private Partnership Contracts of the National Iranian Gas Company [Volume 16, Number 64]
:: L95 Development of Markov Chain Grey Regression Model to Forecast the Annual Natural Gas Consumption [Volume 15, Number 63]
:: LEAP model Modeling of Prioritization of Policies in the Development of the Power Generation Industry of Iran Using LEAP [Volume 14, Number 58]
:: LMDI method. Analysis of Greenhouse Gas Emission to Effective Stimuli in Iran's Manufacturing Sector, Using LMDI Method, During the Years 1999 to 2019 [Volume 18, Number 74]
:: LNG The Economic Evaluation Comparison of Exports of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and Gas to Liquid (GTL) for Iran [Volume 11, Number 44]
:: Levelized cost of electricity The Economic and Environmental Position of Geothermal Technologies in Iran’s Power Supply Portfolio from Policy and Investment Perspectives [Volume 18, Number 73]
:: Limitation of Liability Economic Analysis of Liability and compensation System of Oil Tanker Pollution [Volume 13, Number 55]
:: Long Run Memory Predict Oil Prices with Fuzzy Logic and ARFIMA_GARCH Approaches [Volume 10, Number 41]
:: M00. Analyzing of new Economic contractions of oil and gas in Iran (IPC) [Volume 20, Number 81]
:: MADM Performance Evaluation of Gas Powered Power Generating Plantsre in the Fifth Development Plan Through Productivity and Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) [Volume 14, Number 57]
:: MENA region The Role of Agriculture and Renewable Energy in Meeting the Goals of the Paris Agreement; Case Study: Selected Countries of MENA Region [Volume 16, Number 65]
:: MENA region An evaluation of the systematic relation between Energy, Economy, Environment (E3); a case study of the MENA countries [Volume 11, Number 45]
:: MRC Study of Economic Indices of Technological Changes in Drilling Industry using the MRC Method [Volume 17, Number 68]
:: MS-VAR Model. Evaluating the Effect of Oil Revenue Shocks on the Stock Market Index in Iran: Application of Markov Switching Vector Autoregressive Model [Volume 17, Number 69]
:: Malmquist Index Investigate The Effect Of Ownership Structure On Power Plants Industry (with emphasis on privatization) [Volume 12, Number 49]
:: Markov Switching Analysis of periodic changes in Russia's behavior in the Gas Exporting Countries Forum by Markov Switching approach [Volume 20, Number 81]
:: Markov Switching Model Is Oil curse or a Blessing for Iran's Financial Development? [Volume 17, Number 70]
:: Markov Switching Vector Autoregression Models The Reaction of the Natural Gas Price to the Changes of the Crude Oil Price in Europe and American Regional Gas Markets: MSVAR Approach [Volume 14, Number 58]
:: Markov Switching and svar Model The impact of global oil supply and demand shocks on the exchange rate of oil exporting countries with an emphasis on Iran's special situation: MS and SVAR Approaches [Volume 20, Number 81]
:: Markov switching causality Investigating Granger Causality Between the crude oil price and the gold price With emphasis on non-linear Markov-switching approach [Volume 10, Number 40]
:: Monte Carlo Technical and Economic Evaluation of Oil reservoirs in The Form of Optimal Management of Reservoir Development (Case Study of Asmari reservoir in One of Iranian southwest Oil Fields) [Volume 19, Number 76]
:: Monte-carlo Simulation Feasibility Study of Methanol to Propylene Technology and comparison with alternative technologies based on the capacity of the Law on Protection of Downstream Petrochemical Industries [Volume 18, Number 73]
:: Mostazafan Foundation Prediction of Efficiency and Factors Affecting Energy Use in the Framework of a Dynamics Model System: A Case Study of Mostazafan Foundation Owned Petrochemical Companies [Volume 14, Number 59]
:: Multiple Lambda Hubbert Model Effect of Petroleum Contracts on Iranian Oil Production Trend [Volume 12, Number 50]
:: NGL-3200 The Evaluation of Economic using Associated Petroleum Gas in NGL Unit: Case Study of NGL-3200 Unit [Volume 12, Number 51]
:: NGM-ARIMA hybrid correction model Brent crude oil Price Forecast with Hybrid Model of Nonlinear Grey Model and Linear Arima Waste Correction [Volume 18, Number 72]
:: NPV Use of Operation Research Planning Models to Determine the Optimum Levels of Crude Oil and Gas Production in Iranian Oil and Gas Projects- Case Study: South Pars Project Phases 17 & 18 [Volume 16, Number 64]
:: Nash bargaining game Measuring energy, economic and environmental efficiency with the approach of integrating data envelopment analysis and bargaining game in OECD countries [Volume 20, Number 80]
:: National Company for Southern Oilfields Identifying and Prioritizing Sustainable Outsourcing Risk with Fuzzy Type II Data (Case Study: National Company for Southern Oilfields) [Volume 18, Number 72]
:: National Iranian South Oil Company (NISOC) Presenting an Integrated Maintenance Framework for Oil and Gas Wells through Resistive Economy Approach [Volume 20, Number 80]
:: Natural Gas. Presenting a Solution for Sustainable Control of Natural Gas Usage in the Fuel Fleet of Urban Taxis With a System Dynamics Strategy [Volume 18, Number 73]
:: Natural Gas. Determining the Priority of Iran's Natural Gas Export Markets by Numerical Taxonomy Method [Volume 17, Number 70]
:: Network A framework for Measuring the Dynamics Connections of Volatility in Oil and Financial Markets [Volume 16, Number 67]
:: Neural Network. A Study of the Shale Gas Production Effect on Anticipating the Foreign Exchange Earnings of Iran Gas Export Using the Econometrics Method and Dynamic System [Volume 15, Number 60]
:: Neutralization of Energy Revenues. The Macroeconomic Effects of Energy Price Shocks: Introducing a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model [Volume 9, Number 39]
:: New Iranian oil contract (IPC) The Effects Of Eliminating The Subsidies And Concessions Of The Oil Producer Company (IOC) On The Optimum Oil Production Path (A Case Study For One Of The Oil Fields In Southern Iran) [Volume 20, Number 83]
:: Nonlinear Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model. Asymmetric impact of oil price volatility on investor sentiments in Tehran Stock Exchange with NARDL approach [Volume 20, Number 81]
:: Nonlinear Autoregressive Distributed Lag method (NARDL) Asymmetric Impact of Oil Prices, Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth on Carbon Emissions in Iran: Evidence from the NARDL Approach [Volume 18, Number 75]
:: Nonlinear Programming A Nonlinear Model to Maximize Profit of Hydropower Plants in the Long-Run [Volume 16, Number 67]
:: Nonparametric. Measuring industrial energy efficiency with CO2 emissions in developing countries using static and dynamic nonparametric models [Volume 11, Number 46]
:: Norwegian legal system Comparative study of the competitiveness of upstream oil and gas activities in the legal system of Iran and Norway [Volume 20, Number 81]
:: O14 A Study of the Impact of Information & Communication Technology on Energy Consumption Intensity in Iran (A Provincial Approach) [Volume 16, Number 67]
:: O16 Investigating the effect of asymmetric shocks of the shadow economy on energy consumption in terms of financial development in Iran [Volume 19, Number 76]
:: O33 The Long Run Impact of Technology Diffusion on Average Cost in Upstream Oil Industry; Case Stud of Iran [Volume 15, Number 62]
:: OPEC An Estimation of OPEC Behavior: A Structural Approach [Volume 11, Number 44]
:: OPEC The Impact of Oil Price Volatility on Country Risk Index in Different OPEC Countries [Volume 14, Number 57]
:: OPEC What is the effect of oil price fluctuation on the upstream investment of OPEC members? [Volume 12, Number 50]
:: OPEC Analysis of the Evolutionary Game Theory in Agent-Based Computational Systems: OPEC Oil-Producing Countries [Volume 16, Number 64]
:: OPEC Basket Measuring the Value at Risk of the Price of OPEC’s Oil Basket through Use of Long-Memory GARCH Models [Volume 9, Number 39]
:: OPEC Countries Analysis of the Relationship between Electricity Consumption and Economic Growth in OPEC Member Countries: Bootstrap Panel Causality Test Approach [Volume 17, Number 69]
:: OPEC and Iran's crude oil Export The Effect of Inter-Fuel Substitution in OECD Energy Market on Share of OPEC and Iran's Crude Exports [Volume 12, Number 49]
:: OPEC member countries Investigating the Transmission of Financial Stress Index Fluctuations on Macroeconomic Indicators of Selected Opec Member Countries [Volume 17, Number 71]
:: OPEC's core The Behavior of Core OPEC Members During Normal and Exceptional Periods in the World Oil Markets [Volume 16, Number 66]
:: Oil Contracts An Analytical Approach to the Study of Barriers to Technology Transfer and Development in Upstream Activities of the Oil Industry [Volume 13, Number 52]
:: Oil Shock Optimal Management of Oil Resources under the Bayesian Outoregressive Pattern [Volume 14, Number 56]
:: Oil Shocks The Role of Various Oil Fund Scenarios on Production and Inflation Variables in Iran [Volume 14, Number 59]
:: Oil Trade Outlook Evaluation of The Position of Region's Oil Corridors in 2040 Horizon: A Gravity Model Approach [Volume 18, Number 74]
:: Oil and Energy Insurance. Providing a Method for Determining the Monetary Value at Risk of Petroleum Properties [Volume 15, Number 63]
:: Oil and Petroleum Products Measuring the Industry Indicators Market Risk of Petroleum Products, Chemicals and Rubber Based on Regime Transfers Approach [Volume 12, Number 49]
:: Oil industry Analysis of Foreign Investment Contracts in the oil Industry from the Perspective of Technological Learning [Volume 16, Number 67]
:: PSO Designing a System for Predicting Success of the Distribution Channel in the Supply Chain of the petroleum Industry Using ANFIS and the PSO: a Case Study [Volume 17, Number 69]
:: PSTR Threshord Effect of the Economic Growth Rate on the Development of Renewable Energy: Evidences from OPEC Countries [Volume 16, Number 66]
:: PSTR Model. An Investigation of the Threshold Effect of Energy Consumption on Economic Growth in OPEC Members Countries [Volume 13, Number 52]
:: PSTR. Investigating the Effects of Government Size and Quality on Energy Intensity in Selected OECD Countries [Volume 13, Number 52]
:: Panel Data Investigating the Effect of Privatization on the Economic Performance of the Iranian Petrochemical Industry (case study: ten selected petrochemical companies) [Volume 19, Number 79]
:: Panel Data The study of the role of development on the impact of environmental pollution on the human development index [Volume 12, Number 48]
:: Panel Data Method. Comparative Assessment of Determinants of Real Exchange Rates with an Emphasis on Oil Price for Oil Exporting and Importing Countries [Volume 10, Number 40]
:: Panel Data Tobit. The Effect of Market Restructuring on Technical Efficiency of Thermal Power Plants in Iran [Volume 10, Number 41]
:: Panel VAR The Effects of Crude Oil Price Volatility on Economic Growth in Major Oil-Producing Countries: A Panel VAR Approach [Volume 13, Number 52]
:: Panel VAR Method. The Technical and Scale Effects of Economic Growth on the Environment in Iranian Provinces; Panel VAR Approach [Volume 14, Number 57]
:: Panel data Impact of Globalization on CO2 Emission in the Agricultural Sector [Volume 18, Number 75]
:: Pars special economic energy zone Evaluation and Prioritization of Financing Options for Project Implementation using the Analytic Hierarchy Process Case Study: South Pars Special Economic Energy Zone [Volume 12, Number 49]
:: Policy Making The Iranian Petroleum’s Property Rights Policy Making: An Institutional Analysis [Volume 11, Number 46]
:: Political will Prioritization of Iran’s Natural Gas Export Markets [Volume 11, Number 46]
:: Power Plant Gas Turbines Feasibility Study of Using from the Energy Recovery of Energy Losses in Parand Power Plant [Volume 9, Number 39]
:: Power Plant. 01 Economic Evaluation of the LNG Import Plan to Replace the Consumption of Electricity Generation Plants With the Consumption of Diesel and Fuel Oil [Volume 20, Number 82]
:: Power generation Cost - benefit analysis of biogas-fired power plants of the dairy industry in Iran [Volume 10, Number 42]
:: Prediction of Oil Price Volatility The Impact of Different Data Frequency on Prediction Powers of Various Short- and Long Memory Models: an application to Oil Market Volatility [Volume 12, Number 50]
:: Price and wage Stickiness An Investigation of the Impact of Oil Revenue Shocks on Output and Inflation under Conditions of Price and Wage Stickiness [Volume 12, Number 48]
:: Production Policy. Behavioural Analysis on Oil Reserve Reports by OPEC Members And its Consequences on Their Oil Supply [Volume 12, Number 49]
:: Q00-Q02-Q56 Analysis of effecting renewable energy consumption on environment according to role of human capital [Volume 18, Number 75]
:: Q34. Investigating the effect of uncertainty in the distribution of electricity consumption in economic sectors on the level of inequality between income deciles in Iran (fuzzy regression approach) [Volume 19, Number 77]
:: Q4 Evaluating the Impact of Economic Components of IPC and PSC Contracts on Cumulative Production of Oil Fields: A Case Study of Foroozan Oil Field [Volume 19, Number 76]
:: Q41 A Multi-Period Robust Optimization Model for Integrated Planning of Decisions in the Petrochemical Products’ Supply Chain [Volume 15, Number 63]
:: Q42 Renewable Energy and Supporting policies Clean Air in Europe, Iran and China [Volume 19, Number 77]
:: Q43 Investigating and testing the causal relationship between fossil fuel consumption, clean energy and economic growth variables in selected countries [Volume 20, Number 82]
:: Q47 The Effect of Natural Gas Prices on Gas Consumption by Iranian Industries [Volume 15, Number 63]
:: Q48. Investigating the Impact of Gamification on the Behavior of Electricity Consumers [Volume 19, Number 77]
:: Q48. Designing a model for financing renewable energy projects for sustainable economic development with total interpretive structural model [Volume 19, Number 76]
:: Q56. Investigating the effect of green growth on environmental pollution in Iran with emphasis on nuclear energy [Volume 19, Number 76]
:: Q57 Analysis of the energy and environmental efficiency of the transportation sector under the constraints of energy consumption and environmental pollutions in Iran [Volume 19, Number 76]
:: QFD Analysis of Economic Priorities-Productivity of National Oil Company's Welfare Services using the QFD approach [Volume 17, Number 70]
:: Qatar. Strategies for Effective Participation of Iran in Gas Exporting Countries Forum [Volume 12, Number 51]
:: Quantile The effect of globalization on energy consumption in developing country: Accurate quantitative regression [Volume 18, Number 75]
:: Quantitative terms Applying Non-Contractual Methods and Quantitative Terms to Increase the Durability of Long-Term Natural Gas Sale Agreements [Volume 18, Number 73]
:: R41 Investigating the Differences in CO2 Emission in the Transport Sector Across Iranian Provinces: Evidence from a Quantile Regression Model [Volume 15, Number 62]
:: Railway reserves. Optimum Foil Oil Transport Network [Volume 9, Number 39]
:: Random Effect Forecasting Oil Prices using Meta-Analysis Approach [Volume 11, Number 47]
:: Reform Comparative Study of Privatization of Power Plants in Different Counties and Presentation of a Model for Iran [Volume 11, Number 46]
:: Regime Change. Investigating the Impact of Covid-19 Outbreak Crisis on the Exchange Rate with Emphasis on Oil Price Changes [Volume 18, Number 74]
:: Regime Switching Investigation of the effect of crude oil price uncertainty on the growth of Industry and Mine sector in Iran: An application of Markov-Switching Models [Volume 10, Number 41]
:: Regional Gas Markets. Investigating Cointegration and the Causal Relationship Between of Exchange Rate, Oil Price and Gas Price in Regional Markets [Volume 18, Number 73]
:: Remote Sensing. Estimating Economic Value of Adjustment of the Tilt Angle of Solar Panels to the Optimum Angle Using Remote Sensing Data [Volume 10, Number 40]
:: Renegotiation The Influence of Different Methods of Royalty Calculation on Renegotiation Requests under Upstream Oil Investment Contracts [Volume 13, Number 53]
:: Renewable Fuel Optimization of Biofuel Supply Chain Operations Based on the Second Generation of Biomass In an Environment of Uncertainty And Considering Water and Energy Nexus: a Case Study of Iran [Volume 20, Number 82]
:: Risk Shock Investigating Short-Term and Long-Term Asymmetric Effects of Oil Price Shocks on Financial Development Index in Iran [Volume 20, Number 83]
:: Road Transport. Economic Assessment of Environmental Implication and Social Costs of Energy Use in Iran Road Transport Sector [Volume 11, Number 47]
:: Robust Least Squares Method Effect of fuel real prices on technology improvement and greenhouse gas emissions in the Iran road transportation sector [Volume 12, Number 51]
:: SBR Examining the long-term, short-term and dynamic effects of crude oil prices on the price of styrene butadiene synthetic rubber [Volume 20, Number 82]
:: STSM. Econometric Analysis of Gasoil Demand in Road Transportation Subsector- A Comparison of Cointegration and STSM Approaches [Volume 9, Number 39]
:: Security Complex Comparative Analysis of China's Energy Geopolitics in the Persian Gulf and Central Asia; With an Eye on Iran’s Position [Volume 15, Number 61]
:: Security criterion . Security-Based Co-Expansion Planning of Gas and Electricity Networks Considering Demand Response [Volume 15, Number 61]
:: Shariati Power Plant. The Study of Optimal Capacity of Energy Production by Using Fuzzy Methodology (Case Study: Shariati Power Plant) [Volume 9, Number 39]
:: Simultaneous Equations System Evaluate the Fundamental Factors on the World Oil Price [Volume 18, Number 75]
:: Simultaneous system equation method E54 Effect of Ship Fuel Sulfur Reduction Law on Iranian Oil Price (IMO Law) [Volume 16, Number 67]
:: Smooth Transition.   The Effect of Energy Resource Abundance and Economic Growth in Oil-Exporting Countries (PSTR Approach) [Volume 13, Number 54]
:: Software Comfar The Economic Evaluation of Construction of GTL Plant in Sarakhs Special Economic Zone [Volume 11, Number 47]
:: South oil field" Estimating the optimal route of oil production in one of the fields in the south of the country [Volume 20, Number 80]
:: Spatial Durbin Models Investigating the Effect of Overflow Effects from Heat Sector of Iran on Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Application of Space Durbin Model [Volume 16, Number 65]
:: Spatial Econometrics Examining the factors affecting the household sector energy consumption in provinces of Iran [Volume 10, Number 42]
:: Spatial Panel Econometric. Identification of Factors that Influence Iran's Provincial Energy Intensity Index: A Spatial Dynamic Panel Data Approach [Volume 13, Number 53]
:: State-Space. Estimation of Electricity demand structural model in the agricultural sector using Underlying Trend concept and Kalman filter algorithm [Volume 10, Number 42]
:: Stochastic Frontier Analysis Effect of Cutting Subsidies on Technical Efficiency of Power Plants in Iran [Volume 14, Number 57]
:: Stock Exchange. The Effect of Cash Subsidies on the Stock Price and Make Abnormal Return for Oil Products Industry [Volume 11, Number 46]
:: Structural Breaks The Relationship between Natural Gas Consumption And Economic Growth Given Structural Breaks In Countries Exporting Natural Gas: An Approach Using Dumitrescu-Hurlin [Volume 14, Number 57]
:: Structural Vector Auto Regression Model. Investigating the Impact and Interaction of the Developed Economies (OECD) and Emerging Economies (BRICS) on the Crude Oil Market [Volume 14, Number 59]
:: Structural shocks Investigating the Sustainability of Asian, European and American Regional Gas Markets in Response to Currency and Crude Oil Price Shocks [Volume 16, Number 65]
:: Supply and Demand Management Modeling and Prioritizing Iran's Thermal Power Plant Development Policies Based On Environmental Constraints [Volume 17, Number 71]
:: System Dynamics. Power plant Fuel Price Reform, Value-added Tax and Electricity Demand in Iran: a System Dynamics Approach [Volume 10, Number 40]
:: TOPSIS Technique Evaluation of Financial System of buyback‎ Oil Contracts and New Oil Contracts of Iran ‎by the Use of TOPSIS Technique [Volume 13, Number 55]
:: TSVAR Model Investigating the threshold role of sanctions on the effect of oil revenues on liquidity in Iran: new evidence from the TSVAR model [Volume 19, Number 76]
:: Take or Pay and Resale Restriction The Impact of EU’s Competition Laws on the Long-Term Gas Contracts [Volume 18, Number 72]
:: Tax Reimbursement Legal and Contractual Status of Income Taxation in Upstream Contracts of Oil and Gas Industry with Emphasis on Iranian Petroleum Projects [Volume 16, Number 67]
:: Tehran Stock Exchange. The Impact of OPEC Oil Price Fluctuations on Different Industry Groups in the Seasonally More Active Companies on the Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 17, Number 70]
:: Tehran Stock Exchange. Approximation of the relationship between OPEC basket oil prices and the total index in the time of Covid-19 [Volume 19, Number 78]
:: Tehran stock market The effect of oil price fluctuations on the stock prices index's changes in Iran: structural VAR approach [Volume 11, Number 47]
:: Three-Objective Functions Development of a Three-Objective Economic, Environmental and Sustainable Development Decision-Making Model for Recovering Flared Gas [Volume 17, Number 70]
:: Time delay. Optimal Time Delays in Forecasting Oil Prices Using Optimal Genetic Algorithm based Dynamic Neural Network [Volume 14, Number 56]
:: Uncertainty Robust Optimal Crude Oil Supply Chain Planning and Oilfield Development under Uncertainty: Case Study of the National Iranian South Oil Company [Volume 14, Number 58]
:: Unconventional Oil Multi-scenario Simulation of Shale Oil Production Using System Dynamics Approach [Volume 13, Number 55]
:: VAR Investigating financial regimes and oil prices in Iran [Volume 20, Number 80]
:: VECM -GARCH and BEKK-GARCH. Estimating the Optimal Rate of Risk Hedge and the Difference that Optimal Hedging Makes in the Natural Gas Market [Volume 13, Number 53]
:: Value Chain of Petrochemical Industry Economic feasibility study of value chain of petrochemical: methanol-to-olefins and polyolefins units in a 10-year perspective of the country [Volume 18, Number 72]
:: Value Function Iteration and MATLAB Software Comparing optimal oil production path to the Oil Production Profile in Buy-Back Contracts with Using Stochastic Dynamic Programming (Case Study: Dorood Field) [Volume 11, Number 44]
:: WALS averaging model Factors affecting energy demand in Iran and ranking the share each of them approach to Bayesian Econometrics [Volume 11, Number 44]
:: Wind Energy The Use of Genetic Algorithm in Economic Optimization of Hybrid System to Electrify Distant Areas Iran [Volume 10, Number 41]
:: Yazd gas company. Identifying and prioritization of problems and executive barriers of gas supply to industries in Yazd province with Pairwise Comparison Matrix Method [Volume 19, Number 76]
:: abnormal return Measuring The Impact of Sanction On Targeted Firms’ Market Value: Evidence From Tehran Exchange Market after European :::::union::::: Sanctions [Volume 14, Number 56]
:: article 12 of the law on elimination of barriers – contract article 12 of the law on elimination of barriers-ways for settlement dispute- energy service company – dispute referring to the supervisor Examining a Special Methodology for Resolving Contractual Disputes Arising from Application of Article 12 of the Law on Elimination of Barriers to Production and their Effect on Attracting Investment [Volume 17, Number 69]
:: buy back. Investigating and Comparing the Position of Force Majeure and the Impossibility of Contracts in Iranian Oil Contracts [Volume 18, Number 72]
:: clean development mechanism A macro-level selection model for CDM projects [Volume 11, Number 47]
:: collusion Behavioral changes in the organization of petroleum exporting countries (OPEC) in the crude oil world market [Volume 11, Number 45]
:: complex products and systems. The Analysis of Technology Transfer for Iranian oil Contracts; the case study Analysis of New Iran Petroleum Contracts (IPC) Models [Volume 13, Number 54]
:: consumption of petroleum products Investigating the relationship between transportation infrastructure, renewable energy sources and economic growth [Volume 20, Number 83]
:: cost production of oil and gas Calculation Technology Diffusion in Upstream and It’s Effect on the Cost of Oil and Gas Production in Iran [Volume 15, Number 60]
:: cryptocurrencies Designing a process flow model for international financial settlement to repatriate foreign exchange earnings from oil sales through a common cryptocurrency in the form of tokens on a blockchain platform [Volume 21, Number 84]
:: decision making theory Prioritization oil and gas capital projects using Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) models [Volume 19, Number 77]
:: developing countries. Total Factor Energy Productivity Index in Iran and selected Developing countries [Volume 11, Number 46]
:: difference in difference policy implementation model Evaluate the policy of gas price increase on the intensity of energy consumption of steel companies compared to basic metal companies by using difference in difference estimator [Volume 20, Number 80]
:: dispute referral A comparative study of energy efficiency improvement contracts in Iran and the European :union: [Volume 21, Number 84]
:: disruption Europe and the Challenge of Energy Security: Limitations and Strategies [Volume 17, Number 71]
:: dynamic conditional corellation Providing A Method To Assess the Assaluyeh Petrochemical Plants Green Supply Chain Performance By Using a Combination of Fuzzy Method and Nonlinear Modeling [Volume 12, Number 48]
:: dynamic conditional correlation Investigating the impact of oil revenue fluctuations on liquidity in Iran during 1990-2012 using dynamic conditional correlation [Volume 12, Number 51]
:: dynamic least square Estimating and Forecasting Petroleum Demand in OECD Countries (Gasoline, Jet Fuel and Diesel) [Volume 15, Number 62]
:: dynamic panel data Estimation and Prediction of Jet Fuel Demand in Global Air Transportation [Volume 13, Number 52]
:: electric energy portfolio comparison of single-objective (GA) and multi-objective (NSGA-II) optimization methods in optimizing Iran's electricity generation portfolio. [Volume 21, Number 84]
:: energy efficiency Structural Decomposition Analysis of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions in Industry of IRAN: An Input-Output Approach [Volume 10, Number 41]
:: energy efficiency Investigating the Effect of Oil and Gas Resources Abundance on Energy Efficiency in Rentier States [Volume 14, Number 57]
:: energy imports. Reducing the U.S dependency on oil and gas imports, implications for its policies in the international system [Volume 18, Number 72]
:: energy saving Management the energy consumption of computers in offices and organization with approach to changing attitude and human resources behavior [Volume 9, Number 39]
:: energy security Evaluation of alternative fuels for light duty vehicles using superiority and inferiority ranking method (SIR) [Volume 11, Number 47]
:: environmental friendly marketing Sustainable Development in Iran’s Oil Industry through Environmental Friendly Marketing Activities [Volume 16, Number 65]
:: environmental input-output model. Measurement and Analysis of Green Energy Economy Indicators in Iran (Measurement of Carbon Dioxide Emission and its Elasticity) [Volume 16, Number 64]
:: financial evaluation and internal rate of return. Financial evaluation of the hydroelectric power plant Aras (Gharechilar) Regarding the Clean Development Mechanism Revenue [Volume 10, Number 41]
:: financial factors for investors An Analysis of Risk as Perceived by the Investor in Iranian Oil Service Contracts and its Impact on Feasibility of Investing in Upstream Activities [Volume 17, Number 68]
:: foreign investment The Impact of Democracy on the Relationship between Oil Revenues and Financial Development in Oil-rich Countries [Volume 14, Number 58]
:: forward and backward linkage An Application of the Input-Output Model to Analyze the Role of the Oil and Gas Sector in the Iranian Economy [Volume 14, Number 58]
:: fuzzy AHP techniq Identification of retrospective factors on environmental management accounting in the oil, gas and petrochemical industry [Volume 19, Number 77]
:: fuzzy Delphi Technic Identifying and Ranking Comprehensive Decision-Making Criteria for Determination of Optimal Gas Monetization Strategy Using Fuzzy Delphi Method [Volume 16, Number 66]
:: gas debt Identifying and Prioritizing Effective Methods for Optimal Receipt of Gas Bills from Household, Commercial and industrial Users (Case Study: Lorestan Province) [Volume 17, Number 70]
:: gas exchange. Economic pathology of gas price position in long-term natural gas sales contracts [Volume 20, Number 80]
:: gas field Economic Evaluation of Oil and Gas Upstream Projects Using the Real Options Approach (A Case Study) [Volume 13, Number 54]
:: gasoline demand. Modeling Gasoline Consumption Behaviors in Iran Based on Long Memory and Regime Change [Volume 16, Number 64]
:: gasoline. Studies and economic evaluation of gasoline production from GTL technology [Volume 20, Number 83]
:: gray decision making measurement the absorption capacity of solar energy storage technology [Volume 17, Number 68]
:: hosting capacity. Decreasing Renewable Energy Operation Cost to Distribution Network Hosting Capacity Increment by Reconfiguration and Reactive Power Compensation [Volume 20, Number 83]
:: hot and cold provinces The comparison between residential demand for electricity in hot and cold provinces in country [Volume 10, Number 40]
:: integer zero and one planning. Developing a Framework for Determining the Optimal Portfolio of Oil and Gas Industry Capital Projects in Conditions of Uncertainty [Volume 19, Number 79]
:: internal rate of return The effects of rising fuel prices and exchange rate in the wholesale electricity market in Iran [Volume 12, Number 50]
:: market regulation Dynamic efficiency in the regulation of electricity distribution companies (Bayesian Approach) [Volume 13, Number 55]
:: micro-fund A solution for financing the upstream oil and gas industry using the project fund [Volume 18, Number 75]
:: multivariate Garch BEKK Uncertainty of the impact of oil prices on macroeconomic variables: the specified method of multivariate Garch BEKK [Volume 10, Number 40]
:: natural gas demand forecast Future study of natural gas consumption in Iran in the horizon of 2030; Approach Scenario making based on regression pattern Censored [Volume 18, Number 73]
:: nonlinear modeling Providing A Method To Assess the Assaluyeh Petrochemical Plants Green Supply Chain Performance By Using a Combination of Fuzzy Method and Nonlinear Modeling [Volume 12, Number 48]
:: obstacles and limitations of biofuel production and consumption A Review of Biofuels Industry: Challenges and Obstacles [Volume 12, Number 50]
:: oil contracts Conservative Production and Management of Oil Reservoirs and its Role in Protecting National Resources [Volume 19, Number 79]
:: oil market and production quota Possibility of Extracting Rules That Govern Behavior and Decisions of OPEC Member Countries Using the GMDH Method [Volume 16, Number 66]
:: oil products Estimating Oil Products Demand by State-space Model and Relevant Guidelines for Price Liberalization [Volume 15, Number 61]
:: optimization Modeling and Short-Term Prediction of National Electricity Consumption Using Recurrent Neural Network and TPE Optimization Algorithm [Volume 20, Number 83]
:: panel data Control of natural resource rents efficiency on corruption by good governance indexes [Volume 13, Number 55]
:: panel data approach An Assessment of the Relationship between Hydrocarbon and Non-hydrocarbon Revenues in Petroleum Exporting Countries [Volume 13, Number 53]
:: panel data model The Impact of Economic Sanctions and other Factors on Attracting Foreign Direct Investment in OPEC Countries [Volume 15, Number 60]
:: panel vector auto-regression Investigating the Impact of the Non-Renewable Energy Resources on absorbing the FDI [Volume 21, Number 84]
:: panel vector autoregression Oil dependence, institutional quality and economic growth: A panel vector autoregression approach [Volume 18, Number 72]
:: petrochemical Presenting the model of economic diplomacy in the country's oil, gas and petrochemical industry [Volume 20, Number 82]
:: pistachio An Analysis of Improving Energy Use with Data Envelopment Analysis in Horticultural Products in Yazd Province: Case Study Pistahio [Volume 11, Number 46]
:: power shortage Designing a model to maintain the stability of Iran's economic security in the condition of electricity shortage: the application of integrated input-output linear programming model [Volume 21, Number 84]
:: probabilistic modified trends. Quantitative scenarios of electric energy consumption in 2031: a case study in Isfahan [Volume 20, Number 80]
:: productivity in terms of unfavorable output Evaluating the productivity of Iran's factory industries in terms of undesirable output [Volume 19, Number 79]
:: provincial analysis. Energy efficiency in Iran’s provincial with Stochastic frontier production function method [Volume 12, Number 50]
:: renewable energy portfolio standards (RPS) Renewable energy portfolio standards (RPS) and achieving the optimal mix of renewable energy [Volume 11, Number 45]
:: reward and commissioning An introduction on rights governed in energy services contracts [Volume 10, Number 42]
:: sectoral energy efficiency Identifying the Factors that Effect Sectoral Energy Efficiency in the Iranian Economy [Volume 13, Number 52]
:: seemingly unrelated regression models Analysis of Fuel Oil and Diesel Demand Price Elasticity in the Global Maritime Sector [Volume 14, Number 57]
:: sensitivity Techno-Economic Study of the Installation of DG Generators with CHP System in CNG Station and Carwash Complexes [Volume 11, Number 46]
:: south pars projects Evaluate Iran Oil Industry Financing by AHP Method [Volume 12, Number 48]
:: structural equation modeling Structural model of gasoline supply chain risk management based on resilience with a mixed approach [Volume 20, Number 81]
:: structural vector error correction approach Evaluation of the Long-Term Relationship Between Crude Oil Prices, Gold Prices, House Prices and Exchange Rate in Iran Using the Structural Vector Error Correction Approach [Volume 13, Number 53]
:: supplier selection Supplier Selection in Oil and Gas Projects with AHP-QFD Method: A Case Study [Volume 11, Number 47]
:: switching regime Model Forecasting Crude Oil prices Volatility and Value at Risk: Single and Switching Regime GARCH Models [Volume 17, Number 68]
:: system dynamics. Future of the World Oil Market with an Expanding Role of Shale Oil: A System Dynamics Approach [Volume 15, Number 63]
:: technical and economic assessment Initial assessment of the Methanol to Gasoline (MTG) conversion project - a solution to overcome the methanol surplus crisis and gasoline imbalance in Iran [Volume 20, Number 82]
:: techno-economic model Optimization of PEM fuel cell`s design parameter using genetic algorithm [Volume 10, Number 42]
:: the East Azerbaijan Province Gas Company. Factors That Cause Delays Completion of Gas Company Projects in East Azarbaijan [Volume 10, Number 40]
:: the regressions Analysis of the economic and legal effects of sanctions against Iran's oil industry [Volume 11, Number 45]
:: unbalanced panel Investigating Effect of Oil Revenues on Social Capital in Oil Rentier Countries: An Extreme Bounds Analysis Approach (EBA) [Volume 16, Number 65]
:: unconventional oil. 40 years’ experience of oil price fluctuations: Importance and Consequences [Volume 12, Number 51]
:: urbanization Threshold effect of industrialization on the relationship between export diversity and energy intensity in Iran [Volume 20, Number 83]
:: values and religious believes Quantiles of Household Energy Consumption Expenditure and Factors Effecting it (Micro Study Based on Household Budget Data for IRAN) [Volume 17, Number 69]
:: volatility spillovers. Dynamic Correlation between Oil Markets and Financial Markets and Oil and Petrochemical Industries in Iran [Volume 16, Number 65]
:: wavelet transforms Economic growth and energy consumption: New evidence using continuous wavelet [Volume 17, Number 71]
:: wavelets transform. A Comparison of the Predictive Ability of Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) and Wavelet Transform- Neuro Models: OPEC's Basket Crude Oil Price [Volume 10, Number 43]
فصلنامه مطالعات اقتصاد انرژی Quarterly Energy Economics Review
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